Are you an overworked owner?

If there’s a common culprit that’s discussed amongst business owners and entrepreneurs - it’s this:

There’s never enough time to get it all done! OR I wear too many hats!

The theme here usually involves a very hard-working and overworked owner.

There’s a desire to gain back some much-needed time and space.

Can you relate?

There are three foundational ways to free-up more of your time so you can go from feeling ‘overworked’ to having more ease and spaciousness in your business (doesn’t that sound nice?!).

1) Your Business Model

Having a business model that has a service or product mix that allows you to serve clients in a way that doesn’t always depend on your personal time (as the owner) to a) fulfill the service or products and b) to sell them. And eventually, the goal would be to minimize your role, as owner, in both of these activities so your team or systems can do this for you.

But it comes down to how you structure your offerings. Thinking about them in the context of: How can I deliver my products & services so that my customer gets great benefits but it doesn’t require me to do it. (If you have to deliver the service, ie. you’re a dentist, a masseuse or a physiotherapist, then you’re going to look at all the other components of the service that surrounds what YOU do. What do you need to do vs what could someone else or technology help with?)

2) Your Systems and Processes

Finding ways to improve time-consuming processes can be a game-changer in the number of people hours that are needed. Find the areas in your business where you tend to spend a lot of time. What technology or process changes could be implemented to reduce the time spent? And, what guidelines or frameworks can you put in place so others can follow a though-process that you would normally use?

3) Your Delegation skills

The goal here is to ensure your team and contractors are clear on their roles and they are managing tasks that you don’t have to. This isn’t about ‘dumping your worst tasks’ but empowering them so they can operate in the best interests of the company. Can you improve your skills in this area even by a little bit? This in itself is an investment into your future time capacity.

To improve your skills in this area and begin to gain time back, download the 4 Degrees of Delegation.

By exploring how you can make adjustments to your business in all three areas, you’ll start to spot opportunities that will increase your time capacity, ease the burden you carry and start to open up other opportunities you’d like to focus on.

Try it!

And, if you’ve ever made a shift in your business that has resulted in more time back for you, what was it? I would love to hear what worked for you. Hit reply or share in the comments.

NOW is YOUR time,



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