Being intentional in challenging times

Well - this has been a week of weeks! And, really, what a start to 2020 if you take in when this all began on the other side of the world (and it really technically started late 2019). There’s a lot going on in the world right now and I’m guessing many of us are trying to make sense of it all.

I am so grateful to our brothers and sisters around the world who are sharing with us what it means to find solidarity, to collaborate on information and who are contributing to the sense that we are all going through this together.

In uncertain and complex times and with a 24/7 news cycle, a virus that no one wants to get, and with unprecedented shut-downs for many, this is like pulling the rug of safety and security right out from under us.


This is time to check-in. Check-in with yourself and find out what you need right now. Is it that you need to feel safe? Need certainty?

How might you find that sense of safety or certainty? What can you be certain of right now?

  • Could you be certain that we will all get through this?

  • That you get to decide how to approach this moment right now.

  • That you are doing your best to be safe and healthy thus keeping those around you safe and healthy?

What do you most need, right now, and what can you do for yourself to give yourself some comfort and kindness?

Any emotions that come up are normal. Take time to process them; make the space for them. And then turn to what you need to do, whether it’s still working, taking care of your family and loved ones, or both.

Take time to care for your own mental and physical health. You are more effective in supporting others if you have done this first.

Choose what you consume:

Regarding getting factual information and updates, things have been put in motion. You get to decide how often you want to get your updates, but I challenge you in this: more updates doesn’t make you more informed.

Decide what sources you trust to give you factual and accurate information.

Decide how often you will check-in…and leave the rest. Take a break from the newsreel, social media and other sources in between.

Trust that you will hear about the important announcements or anything you need in your scheduled check-ins, or when you want (or need) to hear them.

Creating your own sense of stability:

While no one knows how long this will last, what we do know is that having a routine can contribute to feelings of certainty and stability. This is why so many of us are off - our routine has been broken and there’s fear for what might happen. Our sense of safety has been challenged.

We’re doing what’s necessary as a human family to keep us safe.

During this pause on social gatherings and distancing, we can create new routines. Routines that feed our creativity, our health, and relationships with friends and family.

What specific things will give you feelings of certainty and stability, right now, at this moment? Going into nature, calling a friend, taking a nap, thinking about what you are grateful for, taking several deep breaths….

While I don’t have all the answers, I am certain of this: the human spirit will overcome this. Bringing intentionality ie. choosing how we want to feel and what we do, and to how we respond to this will help and empower you during this challenging time. And, you can be a source of strength for others who may be more challenged.

Turn off the news. Wash your hands. We will get through this.

NOW is YOUR time.


PS: How can I support you now? Please hit reply and let me know what you need or how I can be of help to you at this time. If there’s a topic you’d like to hear more about in a future blog, I’d love to hear that too.


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