Your end of year business review

As we enter into the festive season and we begin to think about winding down for the year, I wanted to ask you: Do you perform an end of year review?

This is an opportunity to take stock, reflect and take a look at the bigger picture.

It’s been another tumultuous year and depending on where you live, perhaps a return to more things that are ‘normal’ for you.

Whether this is a practice you do each year or if you’re new to it, I wanted to share my process for my business review.

My favourite ways to ‘take stock’ in my business and work are centered around these questions:

What am I grateful for this year?

What did I accomplish or where did I make progress? (These could be tangible and intangible accomplishments. eg. Creating a strong strategic partnership or feeling more grounded in your purpose.)

What went well?

What didn’t go well?

What did I learn? - about my business, about myself, about my clients, about the market

How can I apply what I learned to my planning for next year?

I often do a financial review, but the above questions are favourite general questions that help me travel through this year, reflect on the important things that happened and help me cultivate a feeling of gratitude - for the good and the not-so-good (because there’s lots to learn there!).

You can even do this for each business you run, any job that you do, and in your personal life as well.

I’m a big fan of acknowledging accomplishments, so if you identify some significant progress or achievements this year - find a way to celebrate them.

After all if we’re not enjoying ourselves along the way, what are we doing this for?

(This is a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately.)

I encourage you to make space to reflect and review. I think you’ll be happy you did.

If you’d like support in this process, reach out to me.

NOW is YOUR time.



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