business coaching, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally business coaching, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

How is your work-life balance/integration going?

One of the most common topics that comes up in my coaching is a desire for better work-life balance/integration.

There are many reasons that someone might be trying to achieve a better balance for themselves and any number of reasons that might be getting in the way.

And, each person’s IDEA of work-life balance/integration is different.

Here’s one common trend I do see:

Our current habits play a role in feeling that out-of-balance feeling.

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Business Goals, Leadership, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Business Goals, Leadership, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

To grow & scale to a valuable business, let go

One of the reasons I see businesses plateau in their results is not funding, or lack of ideas, but resistance in letting go. Letting go and letting their employees do what they were hired to do.

And for some, simply hiring someone can be a huge hurdle to cross.

By letting go and increasing the responsibilities of those around you, you create one of the foundational components to growth and scale.

It can be difficult and challenging.

What does it often come down to?


Trust in them, trust in your business as an overall entity, and trust in yourself.

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business coaching, Business Goals, Leadership, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally business coaching, Business Goals, Leadership, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

Creating a sense of urgency in you and your team

If you’ve often wondered how you can get your team working towards goals with the same sense of urgency that you have — you are not alone.

As a leader, meeting deadlines and goals are important, and yet you can’t accomplish this unless you have the whole team on board.

So what do you do when everyone isn’t on board? Or, have the same sense of urgency that you do?

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business coaching, Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally business coaching, Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

How will your business strategy need to shift right now?

I’ve been paying a lot of attention to conversations that highlight the challenges and needs that are surfacing right now. These conversations take place in my client interactions but also with my network and beyond.

What I’ve been seeing is that you are evaluating how you’re moving forward over the next few months. Whether it’s deciding what services or products to offer now or how you will position or sell your services and products.

Businesses are looking at re-opening guidelines and looking to their provincial and state mandates to see what that means for them and how they can continue to operate or re-open (if they’ve been closed through this).

In addition to that, I see you wondering about what this means for your existing services and products and questioning how to get these in front of your clients over the next few months. What’s appropriate as a business? How can I continue to be viable? How can I continue to strive to hit certain business goals?

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Leadership, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Leadership, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

How to focus when it's NOT business as usual - Part 2

I hope you are well and finding your way at this time.

I had a few people reach out to me, sharing their challenges of trying to get things done.

These were centred around the area of time management and productivity….in the midst of managing other things at home now.

This is aligns so well with the topic of personal productivity that normally comes up in the work and coaching I do with business owners and leaders. And it aligns with the concept of showing up even when it’s a challenge and you don’t feel like it. This is a skill in leadership.

However, that being said, while I love the topic of personal leadership, at this time, I believe we can serve ourselves and others well, if it’s tempered, with more awareness and patience for ourselves and others during this situation we’re facing.

Yet, at the same time, there are still things to be done.

The idea I’m sharing with you today is practical and in the area of productivity & time management.

However, for the next few weeks, I’ll be leaving productivity and moving into other ideas on how we can conduct business at this unusual time.

Tune in here to another idea on how to shape the way you work at this time…

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