Does your business satisfy BOTH your lifestyle AND financial goals?
When I was in university my degree was a Co-Op program - which meant that I had several work-terms through my degree that allowed me to experience different businesses and industries. It was fantastic. I loved my degree and experiences at that time.
In one particular work term, I had the privilege of working in two businesses that shared admin resources (me) which was a partnership between two individuals - one an interior designer and the other a marketing consultant. It was a fascinating look inside these two diverse industries.
At the time, I noticed two hard-working Business Owners with a passion for their work. It was only years after that experience that I really understood the significance of how they ran their business.
What I learned:
They built their businesses to work for them. They both loved what they did, but I noticed that at the end of the day they had vibrant personal lives that took them away from the office - even with a full roster of clients.
They went to bat for their clients. They knew what their clients valued and they gave it to them. Many of their clients kept coming back which created long-term relationships…and many referrals.
They had a winning formula for their work. They knew what drove results and repeated it. They didn’t spin their wheels creating lots of new services or deeply customized (to great extent) one-off services. They accepted projects that were within their scope of services (most often).
In subsequent years, my career took me on paths that worked with other business owners, leaders and managers in both very small and very large companies. I didn’t see these attributes as often as I thought I would. I recognize I worked for a small business at the time, but I was surprised that I didn’t see these elements repeated more often.
When I did, I noticed a shift in the business. I noticed a greater ease to the business, without sacrificing success.
Now, this is what I help my clients do - create sustainable business practices so they remove the many headaches that can pop up when building a business, and help them to achieve success without sacrificing their soul, and their financial and lifestyle goals to do it.
If this is something you’re interested in, then maybe I can help. Hit reply or message me and let’s talk.
NOW is YOUR time.
PS: And yes, this is a picture of me around that time, a year or two after graduating from university…with my first car.
Emerging Outcomes Coaching & Development - Canadian Business Coach, Business Coach in Canada, Leadership, Executive Coach