Daily steps lead to spectacular achievement

I came across a quote that grabbed my attention and it’s aligned with some themes I’ve been noticing lately. Themes such as: putting time and effort in for a future reward, making commitments, and decision-making.

“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.”

   ― Robert H. Schuller

I think of the athlete winning their race and how that’s accomplished on the heals of thousands of hours of early practices, doing drills over and over again until the movements are ingrained into their muscle memory.

The artist creating their beautiful piece only after years of perfecting their various brush strokes and meticulous mixing to achieve the perfect colours and shades.

The ballet dancer who makes a leap or a pirouette look as graceful as can be, like they’re floating across the stage; perfected after years of doing daily barre exercises.

What motivates a human to do those daily or regular, sometimes grueling or methodical behaviours and practices to move them forward to a goal, a vision, or a destination in the future?

It may be a combination of the love of the craft they’ve chosen and a desire to create change or make an impact through the building, creating, or being or someone that right now only lives in their imagination.

Whatever your motivation is, building your thriving career or business is a lot like this. Putting in the everyday work, making the decisions, this can all seem to be unspectacular work. The truth is, this is all leading somewhere.

Each step, each decision, each client served, it’s all building block by block, creating the foundation of something spectacular. That spectacular vision in your head of what your business or career could look like - lives there now, but slowly comes to fruition with each step of preparation.

And, have you checked in on this vision lately? Maybe you’re there already…

And if you’re not there, keep going. Keep striving. Whatever your spectacular achievement is - a meaningful career, a thriving business, a financial nest egg, deep and joyous personal relationships, a well-rounded life. It’s there for you, and you have the power to create it.

Oh, and what would it be like if we took the time to enjoy the process along the way? To enjoy the journey, growth, and transformation? To value the experiences, the mistakes, the wins and the setbacks and recognize that it’s all part of the process of understanding what works and what doesn’t. What fits and what needs to be released?

The preparation is the journey.

What are you preparing for?

NOW is YOUR time.


Canadian Business Coach, Canadian Leadership Coach


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