Back to Fundamentals: What you really should know about decision-making
An unhappy employee, a negotiation, hiring, deciding which product line to build out and grow...
We can be faced with these types of situations and decisions in a given month, week or even day!
So when we feel the intensity heighten and the stakes get higher in our decision-making, there’s one fundamental exercise that I know can be helpful in these situations.
This reminds me about a recent appointment where I was taking one of my children to a physiotherapy session. The physiotherapist spoke about the benefits of working from the ground up to strengthen their legs and base so they can perform higher and get stronger at the sport they are playing. But the exercises were working some of the smallest muscles in the body to do so.
It was so fundamental to higher performance that’s where we started.
So, when faced with challenging business situations or decisions, a similar approach can help you go from uncertainty to assuredness in knowing how to proceed.
The Power of Increased Intentionality in your Career and Business
Living with intention is a way of tuning into your own desires, needs and goals and not letting yourself be swept away by the goals and desires of others.