Back to Fundamentals: What you really should know about decision-making

An unhappy employee, a negotiation, hiring, deciding which product line to build out and grow...

We can be faced with these types of situations and decisions in a given month, week or even day!

So when we feel the intensity heighten and the stakes get higher in our decision-making, there’s one fundamental exercise that I know can be helpful in these situations.

This reminds me about a recent appointment where I was taking one of my children to a physiotherapy session. The physiotherapist spoke about the benefits of working from the ground up to strengthen their legs and base so they can perform better and get stronger at the sport they are playing. But the exercises were working some of the smallest muscles in the body to do so.

It was so fundamental to higher performance, that’s where we started.

So, when faced with challenging business situations or decisions, a similar approach can help you go from uncertainty to assuredness in knowing how to proceed.

That’s the art and practice of starting with the fundamentals of what’s truly important in any given situation. If you’re facing a decision today, take a moment to answer these questions:

What’s truly important in this situation?

What outcome are you aiming for in this situation or from this decision?

What matters now? What will matter a month from now? What will matter 10 years from now?

What personal value or values do you want to uphold in this situation?

Faced with decisions each day - some we make in a heartbeat….others take some consideration, fact-finding, and research.

But, the perspective that asking these questions can bring can get you to the heart of the matter quickly and end the hours of back and forth - ‘do I or don’t I’ thinking.

Sometimes, where you might get to in these situations is deciding you need help or support and that’s where I can come in.

If you are at a turning point in your business and you want to talk through what future steps could look like, I can support you.

Perhaps you’re considering what growing your team could look like, refining or adding a new service, or how to remove yourself from the day-to-day operations.

These are all important situations where I can support you to navigate with more certainty so you can grow, achieve greater flexibility in your time and generate future wealth.

There isn’t a downside to a conversation, in fact, there are ONLY upsides because you’ll leave knowing the next best step to take.

However large or small the decision you’re faced with today, I encourage you to go back to the Fundamentals and ask yourself the questions above.

Often, clarity can be found there.

NOW is YOUR time.


Business Coaching in Canada, Canadian Business Coach, Executive Coach, Service-based businesses


There’s one thing in business we’ll never get to practice


Are you prepared for the unexpected?