Growing your business while working in it

Waking up each morning, one of the first things so many of us do is check our emails and messages.

What is the day shaping up to be?

What did I miss?

What am I going to be faced with when I get to work?

We look at our calendar and see the meetings, administration and other commitments that are required to run our business.

We have aspirations for greater sustainability and perhaps growth, but how does one achieve this amidst the running of the business?

…when so much of our energy and time is already wrapped up in what we do every day?

The first step is making a decision. And that decision is….do you want to grow? Do you want to become more sustainable and stable? Do you have personal lifestyle goals you want to achieve?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, read on….

Once you’ve decided that you do in fact want to grow sustainability, the next step is deciding on your goals.

Where would you like to be one year from now?

What would have to have occurred in your business, for you to feel proud, a sense of accomplishment and a sense of meaning one year from now?

Now, choose projects that support your company’s progress in those areas and contribute to the bottom line.

  • Prioritize the projects that have a high return on investment or those that generate revenue, moving you closer to your desired goals.

  • Also, consider projects that have an impact on the business operations, customers or employees.

What resources are needed for each project and do you have access to these resources in the short-term? Determine how you will allocate or access the resources you need for your projects.

Monitor your progress as you go. Regularly review the status of each project and adjust your priorities as needed.

How you work on these projects will be just as important as deciding the projects themselves. This is where intentional execution comes in.

Make space weekly to work on your projects…bit by bit, step by step.

Even if it’s an hour per week. The more time you can dedicate the faster your progress, but initially use what you can get until such time that you can block more time to work on your projects or have other team members support.

The path to business growth is paved with intentionality, a commitment to future short-term and long-term outcomes, consistent action and dedication to your vision and mission.

What projects would move your business forward? What’s been sitting on the back-burner?

Which of those projects align with the bullets above?

What will you prioritize?

You can do this.

NOW is YOUR time.


I would love to support you in selecting and prioritizing the projects that will have the greatest impact on your business. If you have goals and ambitions this year, you have absolutely nothing to lose in having a conversation.

Business Coach in Canada, business coaching in Nova Scotia, Executive Coach


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