The key to success

What makes someone successful in their career or business?

If you were to ask several people about their key to success, you'll get a lot of different answers (many of them about strategies and tactics), but what I've noticed is that a few consistent responses tend to surface.

One of those answers that pops up is persistence. Or, you may hear it phrased as 'never giving up'.   

I like to dissect these things, so I can't help but think of this question..."Persistence in what?" What is IT specifically that we need to be persistent with?

My mind does go to the idea of not giving up. But I just don’t think it’s enough.

When cash isn’t coming in, and you’re not bringing in new contracts or your work seems to be the same thing day in and day out without any changes coming on the horizon, will it pay to be persistent to keep doing what you’re doing? Maybe. Maybe not….What I do know is it doesn't feel very inspiring to me. Or very helpful.

Does persistence need a qualifier or other factors in order to be effective?

I can actually think of 5 in this case. These are the additional ingredients I would add to the repertoire of someone who is looking to achieve greater success and impact:

  • Commitment

  • Vision

  • Focus

  • Discipline

  • Reflection

These offer an added perspective and depth to the idea of ‘never giving up’.

Persistence, to me, implies a commitment to something bigger. Something that may not yet be visible or formed…or maybe there is a very clear goal to be achieved. But, somewhere along the line, you’ve made a commitment to acheive a certain end point or desire. Whether it’s to achieve a certain stage in your career, or to create a business from nothing and grow it into what can only be envisioned in your mind right now, a decision has to be made to go after that objective. And, that commitment usually begins with not only striving for that end goal, but making the commitment to yourself.

There also needs to be a vision component tied in here. Having a vision (however murky it may look right now, or even just having a FEELING about what it could be), keeps you moving forward, keeps you anchored, and it acts as your guidepost as you navigate the daily work.

When I think about combining other factors with persistence, I always factor in being persistent in focusing on the actions or behaviours that will move the needle. Or, persistent in the activities you know will pay off and get you closer to your goal; being hyper focussed on the important things that moved us forward. Not, just any activities, THE important ones. Focus is critical.

I would also say there is a discipline to showing up each and every day - for your business or career. Being disciplined to do all the things that need to be done. Day in. Day out. Discipline is difficult when you haven’t made the commitment. They go hand-in-hand for me.

And finally, when it comes to the desire to succeed, being willing to reflect and try new strategies when current ones aren't working is incredibly important; Taking time to reflect and being open to what's working and what's not. Eg. If you’re not bringing in any new clients, perhaps reflecting on your process, analyzing your approach and making changes will provide the necessary tweaks and adjustments you need to make a greater impact in your sales conversations or in your marketing.

To recap, if you have:

  • Commitment

  • Vision

  • Focus

  • Discipline

  • Reflection

Then, I believe, you are well set up to achieve your version of success.

When you have all of these and show up with persistence in all these have the potential to generate such momentum, creative thought, and opportunities in your own life that, even now, I don't think one could predict the wonderful things that may unfold when you’re grounded in these areas. 

So I ask you, as you look at your own life, career or business:

What are you committed to?

What is your vision for yourself, your career or your business?

What do you need to focus on to bring your vision to life?

Where do you need to be more disciplined?

How can the act of reflection support your future actions? 

I hope these ideas and questions will support you to move towards what you want more of, in your Career or Business.

NOW is YOUR time.


PS. If you would like the opportunity to explore any of these ideas and how they can be applied to your business or career, let’s chat! Book a Career/Business Exploration Consultation with me. 



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