Look to your past for future career success

Steve Jobs once said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

When I read this quote, I thought about how it could be applied to one’s career, especially if you’re at a stage where you’re considering making changes or getting clearer in your career direction.

Quite often when we think of creating a career plan, or simply deciding a next step for a career, we often look ahead first at the options. We look to job postings, internal job openings, brainstorming about what type of ‘jobs we could do instead’ of the one we are doing.

This is a fine step….but not the first one.

How often do we look at our path…at the steps taken before?

How often do we REALLY look at what has worked in the past, what hasn’t, what we’ve loved doing and what we loathed doing?

I think this is where Steve Jobs’ quote is bang on. It’s through this information and feedback of past roles that can give us part of the answer of where to go next.

If you are a Professional with some experience under your belt already, this can be a highly effective strategy in creating the next steps in your Career Plan.

It’s the second part of the quote that I believe takes more than trust. …He says, “So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

I believe Trust + Focused Action will help connect your dots to create successful and meaningful future career steps. You can up-level your career using what you learned from exploring the past.

Using the experiences of the past can help shape your success in the future.

NOW is YOUR time.


PS: If this topic resonates with you then you may be interested to know that I am opening up a new way that we can work together.

I am launching a program for those interested in Creating a Career plan that will generate increased purpose and connection with the work you do, so you can be happier, more fulfilled and step into the next phase of your career with confidence.
To be first to receive details when more information is ready, add your email here.


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