How do you measure business growth?
Growing your business can be fun, challenging, rewarding and all-encompassing. It can also feel frustrating, never-enough and like spinning your wheels.
An interesting question to consider if you have aspirations to expand is: how are you measuring growth?
There’s the traditional metrics of using revenue and profit. Those are great measures.
However, measuring growing using only the metric of growing top-line sales is using a very narrow lense.
AND these metrics are lagging indicators. They are the result of the activities you’re engaging in.
What are your leading indicators? (These are the actions you’re taking that LEAD TO the results you’re looking for.)
The biggest contributor in creating your valuable business
If you’ve been tuning in for a while, you’ve heard me discuss the many contributing factors to building value in your company.
I’ve touched on attributes like growth potential, differentiation, financial performance, diversification of people, suppliers and employees, but you know what these all boil down to?
The SVO Model of Sustainability and Growth…
Do you think creating a valuable business isn't for you?
If you’re a business owner and you think building a strong foundation that leads to a valuable business isn’t for you - then I encourage you to continue to read.
You see - there’s a strong link between the value of the business and the freedom you, as the business owner, experience in your business.
I hear from so many owners that the reasons they started their businesses were to experience some sort of freedom - freedom to do work they want, freedom to create their own schedules, freedom to work when they want, and to create financial freedom. Yet, many don’t achieve these things.
Freedom = Value.
To grow & scale to a valuable business, let go
One of the reasons I see businesses plateau in their results is not funding, or lack of ideas, but resistance in letting go. Letting go and letting their employees do what they were hired to do.
And for some, simply hiring someone can be a huge hurdle to cross.
By letting go and increasing the responsibilities of those around you, you create one of the foundational components to growth and scale.
It can be difficult and challenging.
What does it often come down to?
Trust in them, trust in your business as an overall entity, and trust in yourself.
Do you want to create a valuable business?
People start a business for all types of reasons. Some start looking for more freedom and flexibility or financial freedom. Some start because they have a great idea that they haven’t seen in the marketplace. Some want to create a legacy or make a positive change in their industry. Your reasons could be all, some, or other reasons for starting your business.
But whatever your reason is, this question is relevant to consider:
Do you want to create a valuable business?
What does valuable mean?