What does working ON your business mean anyway?
I always loved the message from Michael Gerber’s E-Myth that says:
“Once you recognize that the purpose of your life is not to serve your business, but that the primary purpose of your business is to serve your life, you can then go to work ON your business, rather than in it with a full understanding of why it is absolutely necessary for you to do so.”
He makes the point that your business is not your life.
Your business and your life are two separate things.
Your business has its own set of rules, its own purpose apart from yours.
Realizing this concept can support that separation and objective perspective where you fit, in relation business.
One element you MUST systematize in your business
Having systems in your business is like having healthy eating habits...once they're established they contribute to longevity, vitality and create a solid foundation for great things to happen - such as growth in your business.
Looking for more 'Time' in your Business
If you were to take a survey of Business Owners and ask them why they went into business, many would say one of their top reasons was for flexibility and freedom.
However, when the business gets going and you are juggling all the different roles, it feels like you have everything BUT flexibility and freedom.